Starting with ZebPay OTC begins on our landing page at Reading through the page will give you a bird’s eye view of India’s first bitcoin OTC service. All you need before you begin to create your OTC account is a KYC-verified ZebPay Exchange account.
Click on Get Started to begin creating your OTC account. Our form will first direct you to enter your name, mobile number and email address. The email address and mobile number your enter must be the same as your Exchange account.
All our OTC communications will be conducted over Telegram, and we will ask for your Telegram ID to make sure we can reach out to you over a secure means of communication.
Finding Your Telegram ID
- Open the Telegram App
- Tap on the menu icon on the top left of the screen
- Your screen name will be indicated with a green arrow. Tap on it.
- You will see your basic account information displayed, included an item marked Username.
- Tapping on Username will display your Telegram ID. Go ahead, copy and share it to the form.
Last but perhaps most important, you will need to enter and re-enter a strong password of your choice. Completing this form submits your request to ZebPay OTC, where it will be processed by a trade representative within 48 hours.
Once your request is accepted, you will be able to sign into your shiny new OTC account. In addition to your password, signing in will also need you to enter an OTP sent to your registered mobile number. Two-factor authentication may cause a moment’s delay, but the safety of your funds is our foremost priority.
Now that you’re securely signed in, it’s time to trade!